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$ 21.80 $ 21.99
Fun for everyone, our Tri Mags™ stimulate both imagination and creativity as well as promote basic logical thought. Each Tri Mags™ cube is made up of 24 large, easy-to-handle, colorful pyramids. Held together by magnets, they fit together only when the magnets are properly aligned. Not immediately apparent (even to adults) your child will first have to understand how the blocks fit together in order to build with Tri Mags™. A design booklet is included with suggested designs to get you started but the real fun begins when you start creating your own! Stimulate both imagination and creativity as well as promote basic logical thought with 24 magnetic triangles. Suggested patterns can look like Origami projects as the 24 pieces easily snap together through magnetic attraction! Includes a design booklet. Recommended for all ages. Includes 24 magnetic triangles and 20 challenges.
Sold Out - $ 27.70 $ 27.99
Sakkaro is a geometry toy that will light up a child's creativity! Its translucent colored pieces seem to magically blend together when you stack, nest and interlock them. Discover an endless variety of colorful shapes and patterns you can make on your own, or be inspired by our Idea Booklet which shows over 100 colorful patterns and shapes to make. Sakkaro is fun for the whole family. A simple geometric building system for young children though adults. Stacking and building is developmentally important. Includes 15 assorted blocks and booklet with over 100 challenges. Fun for all ages. Includes 15 assorted blocks and booklet with over 100 challenges.
$ 21.20
The 40 piece set includes 1" shapes in four colors: red, blue, yellow and green. Shapes include cube, cylinder, cone, sphere, hemisphere, pyramid, square prism, hexagonal prism, triangular prism, and rectangular prism. Packaged in a plastic bag. This set of smaller pieces is perfect for students to explore the properties of 3D geometric shapes. Ideal for exploring volume, surface area and nets. Made of durable plastic and easy to clean.
$ 25.40
A wonderful manipulative to aid in classification, congruent vs. similar, fractions, proportions, comparing, patterning and more. The 60 piece set includes 5 shapes in 3 colors and 2 sizes with two degrees of thickness. Compartmentalized plastic storage box with lid that functions as a sorter. Sides are 1.5" - 3"L.
$ 10.30
Bring a touch of the arts into math class! With ordered pairs and graph paper, students can create 36 quilt designs. The designs vary in difficulty, making them ideal activities for differentiated instruction. They are great projects for bonus work, "Fun Fridays," or days with substitute teachers. When displayed on a bulletin board, the finished quilt designs are sure to impress parents and administrators!
$ 26.70
$ 23.20
$ 39.90
Smooth, hardwood solid shapes. Includes cube, sphere, hemisphere, ellipsoid, wide cylinder, narrow cylinder, cone, parabola cone, ellipsed cone, square pyramid, triangular pyramid, square prism, tall rectangle prism, short rectangle prism, pentagonal prism, hexagonal prism, octagonal prism, obtuse triangular prism, equilateral triangular prism. Set of 19 Avg Ship time 1-2 days
$ 51.30
$ 37.80
$ 47.30
$ 30.00
This big bright set of shapes make exploring geometry fun! Shapes have a common 3-dimension to illustrate relationships between area, volume, shape, form and size. Plastic shapes include: cone, sphere, hemisphere, cube, cylinder, rectangular prism, hexagonal prism, triangular prism, square pyramid and triangular pyramid. Teaching Notes included. Ages 5 to 10
$ 48.00
Teach symmetry, perimeter, area, surface area and volume with this innovative folding geometric shape set. Each shape folds flat, making it possible to illustrate a 3-dimensional shape's 2-dimensional properties. Includes cylinder, square pyramid, cube, rectangular prism, cone, hexagonal prism, triangular pyramid and triangular prism with clear plastic casings.
$ 18.90
It just got easier to teach shapes, sizes and relationships with these colorful, plastic geometric pieces. Set of 32 includes 4 sizes of 8 shapes: triangular prism, cube, cone, cylinder, rectangular prism, hexagonal prism, triangular pyramid and square pyramid. Perfect for individual or small group use, each shape measures from 1/2" to 13/4". Includes Teaching Guide.
$ 60.50
$ 19.80
Color and geometry intersect with these double-sided rainbow geoboards. Two different pin arrangements allow students to create an endless variety of shapes using rubber bands in bright hues. Set of 6. Sturdy 5" plastic geoboards in six colors feature a 5 x 5 pin array on one side and a 12-pin circular array on reverse. Includes rubber bands.
$ 38.90
This classpack contains 10 sturdy, plastic 7" geoboards in assorted colors. Each board features a 5 x 5 grid with raised edges to protect knobbed pegs. Ages 5 to 13
$ 25.90
$ 32.20 $ 33.99
$ 15.60 $ 19.99
Magnet Tangrams are a fun way for children to develop important math, problem solving and thinking skills! Encourage children to create their own patterns and pictures using the seven geometrical Tangram magnet shapes.This set includes 8 complete Tangrams; 56 pieces total. Packed in a handy storage bucket, along with a colorful booklet full of fun actitivites.
$ 22.60
The study of solids is quieter with these chunky, dense foam geometric models. Twelve pieces, 2 and 3 inches high.
$ 18.00
Set of 10 versatile boards are excellent for teaching coordinate grid concepts, graphing, arrays, area, perimeter and much more! Measuring 9" x 12", these plastic dry erase boards are printed on one side and blank on the other.
$ 5.80
This versatile plastic template features a variety of 2-D shapes, 180° protractor, metric and standard rulers, number line, perpendicular-parallel line and more. 7-7/8" x 10-1/4".
$ 19.10
$ 23.30
These 12 piece puzzles are perfect for teaching problem solving and patterning activities. Plastic pieces are scored in 1" sections so that visualizing area and perimeter is quick and easy. Ages 6-12. Pentominoes, Set of 6 (72 Pieces) packaged in a plastic bucket.
$ 17.50
Same features as the Double-Sided Plastic Geoboard but bursting with a rainbow of colors! Geoboard colors include red, rose, magenta, yellow, blue and green. Set of 6.
$ 37.10
$ 5.30
$ 5.80
An excellent aid for teaching the basics of geomentry including symmetry, line reflections, transformations and congruence. Purple translucent acrylic plastic measures 6" x 4".
$ 4.20
Clearly reflect images for lessons on symmetry, congruency, lines and planes. Use the Geo Mirror to help draw angles, bisections, perpendicular and parallel lines. Ages 9 and up.
$ 13.80
$ 7.80
Magnetic Colorful shapes teach students how to comapre and arrange shapes